Sunday, April 5, 2015

A cholesterol Myth buster

      Today in my Nutrition class my professor was talking about a new dietary guideline for cholesterol which states that "cholesterol is not considered a nutrient of concern for over consumption.”.
 I was overjoyed to hear this because as a believer of holistic healing and a person of strong bio chemical background I always thought cholesterol is our best friend.
           Recently when I was having a conversation with my friend I came to know that her teen age daughter who is thin and small and barely having any fat  stores was suffering from high blood cholesterol. Her doctor has asked her to go on a low fat diet and be extremely cautious about her fat intake. She was also given a prescription to reduce cholesterol. I also came to know that her diet is usually not fatty. I was a little worried not because her cholesterol levels are high but its only with the interpretation of her clinical problem.
        Why would a teen-ager's cholesterol go high when there is a physical need for all hormones to be synthesized  at its peak and also when she is actually underweight? For having a better understanding I would like to start from the basics
        Cholesterol is a basic building block for hormones. They can be synthesized in our system from saturated fats. Taking these information usually we conclude that the saturated fat has to be reduced in our diet if we have too much of cholesterol in our blood. But this is only looking at the problem in only one dimension. As a matter of fact since cholesterol is the basic building block for all hormones, the  estrogen,  progesterone, testosterone and adrenaline all share the same building block. When the condition of the person is normal everything is in normal amounts. But when her/his stress levels are high the adrenals uses up the cholesterol for the secretion of cortisol to combat inflammation in the body. So the body demands more cholesterol than normal to give an extra share for the adrenals. In short the body makes the cholesterol on demand.
      As a matter of fact my friend's daughter was highly stressed at that point as she was in the midst of applying for colleges and was little upset that she didn't make up to the best university.
        Consider the scenario that the girl is going on low fat diet , a cholesterol reduction medicine and highly stressed. This would obviously lead to low fat stores. If her cholesterol stores gets low  the body gets deprived of its building blocks and start using them for primary needs, which in this case is to combat stress. Her reproductive hormones estrogen and progesterone might get affected ,affecting her ovulation cycle. Progesterone  is considered a happy hormone. When its levels go low she might go into depression. Moreover when her adrenal activity is high it also affects the thyroid function causing a major disturbance in the endocrine system. Well the cholesterol medicine can potentially solve high cholesterol problem but can wreck the levels of other hormones.
          Looking at the root cause to solve the problem , In my opinion ,she has to work on reducing her stress and adapt an anti-inflammatory diet to reduce the production of cortisol and in turn ease the cholesterol demand. She should increase her water intake as its  highly anti-inflammatory. Moreover when Adrenals are stressed they use all the water and minerals from our body. In fact even in the dehydrated  state the body behaves exactly like the way its stressed. We also need to eat mineral rich organic food. Exercise is a major de-stressor as they activate the production of endorphins. Deep breathing exercises always pump more oxygen to the tissues relaxing the muscles from any tension. She should also cut down her white crystal sugar intake  and red meat as well as they are on top of the list for activating inflammation.

           As we all know inflammation is the cause of may diseases including Cancer, the anti-inflammatory diet is appropriate for diabetes, cholesterol, Hypertension and Cancer as well.

Check these Anti-inflammatory recipe for instance.

Sweet and Tart salad

1 Avacado
6 straw berries
1 carrot
1 cup spinach
2 spoons Almonds
1 spoon oregano infused vinegar
1 spoon blood orange infused olive oil
celtic sea salt to taste
1/4 tsp Black pepper
 Dice and toss them all to gether to make a delightful sweet and tart anti-inflammatroy salad.This salad is rich in anti-oxidant pigments and omega 3 fats that reduce the free radicals and cholesterol from our blood.

Lets fight Inflammation!!!



                      Food corruption!" I couldn't live....because my food is adulterated, so let me die.  But I couldn't die, Alas! My poison is tainted too and so are my HORMONES!!!!"...but I know I can find my way out in this plastic world."

          I carefully select nice and shiny vegetables and fruits, Cook them really well  eat them  fresh and store them in beautiful plastic containers and drink only mineral water...All clean and fresh.

So where is the mistake?

          I take care of my kids really well. Always feed them in a clean microwaved bottle, follow every latest technology to sterilize them, keep them totally germ free.

So where is the mistake?

Who is this culprit who hacks my endocrine system and creates a bug in my hormones, in spite of my clean lifestyle??

Here is the actual culprit the faulty hormones or "XENOESTROGENS".

These are the chemical substances that mimic the structure of estrogens. They are found in plastics, Pesticides, detergents, perfumes and cosmetics. They find their way into our system and take the parking sites of our natural estrogen and causes a havoc in the system. They are many hundred times more potent than our regular hormones and causes a severe imbalance. In course of time the proliferative role of estrogens is taken over by xenostrogens and cells begin to multiply more than it should. Now this good slave (estrogens) becomes a bad master and rules the hormone activity. As we know when estrogen levels in our body raises more than it should it also causes an imbalance in thyroid and adrenal activity leading to drastic  consequences like breast cancer, reproductive cancer and what not?

       .Imagine heating up the pesticide filled soy formula in plastic bottle on a microwave. It has a high dose of xenostrogens with a perfect recipe for cancer. The mineral water stored in a full blown plastic containers is no less. Every day the xenostrogens find their way into our skin through cosmetics and detergents.

The only solution is to wash out these xenostrogens from our system. Going on an organic diet can help from accumulation .We can get rid of these toxins by including the right kind of foods. Cruciferous vegetable is the key. Including lot of broccoli, cabbage, Turnips and Kale can mediate the estrogen cleanse in our body. While following a general Detox plan it’s always advisable to include these juices and salads for a good cleanse. Adding fiber rich foods in day to day basis can also help in estrogen excess.

Note this Estrogen cleansing recipe:

I learnt this recipe from one of our good friend and thought of sharing this to you all.

Kale Salad:
1 bunch kale salad
1 avocado
4 cloves of garlic
2 spoons of hemp seeds
Lemon juice
Sea salt

Steps involved

  1. Wash the kale well and tear the leaves into tiny pieces
  2. mince garlic
  3. Dice the Avocados. Mix the minced garlic, kale leaves, Vinegar, lime juice , olive  oil, sea salt  with  hands for a thorough blending of the flavors
  4. Add the diced avocado to the leaves and enjoy the salad.

Xenostrognes are fat soluble toxins. During their cleanse they are released from the stored fat cells and are converted to water soluble form.  Indoles from the cruciferous vegetables can guide the toxin to be eliminated in the right pathway. This water soluble toxins can be flushed out by drinking lots of water.

Let’s fight Cancer!!!
